Hi there, and thanks for checking out my blog. I hope you find some ideas on here that you can use for your own wedding.
So as you may or may not guess, I've recently got married. We got engaged July 2011 and began planning the wedding pretty much straight away and we got married September 2012.
When I first started to plan the wedding, I was, in a word - lost. I didn't know where to start, what do I do first, who do I ring... So it took a lot of searching online and getting different pieces of info. That's why I've started the blog, the plan is to help you with all of the stages.
Once I had my plan of action, I took it easy, and had a very stress free time whilst planning. You have to keep remembering, your only going to get married once, you don't want to look back at it and remember the most stressful time of your life.
So, about me. I'm 23, and I live with my husband David and our 2 cats. Me and David met 5 years ago when we started working together. I can truly say it was love at first sight. We bought our first house 2 years ago, and have since done a lot of renovation work to it to make it into a home. We like going for walks, cycling and just generally spending time together.
If there is anything you'd like to know or read about on here, just send me a message and I will try and cover it! Thanks, and enjoy.
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